Thursday, November 1, 2012

Tagged Fish

Tagged Fish

Pyramid Tag Colors per Years:
Yellow = 2006/2007, Grey = 2008, Purple = 2009, Green = 2010, Orange = Marble Bluff Spawn Tagging

~ October 12, 2012 ~

Pyramid Lake, Nevada

USFWS # 037993

Captured at 6 Mile Bay
4 lbs, 22 Inches

Released at Cattle Guard Road

This fish has been in the lake for 32 Months and has grown 14.5".

These tagged fish are from the Pilot Peak strain which is believed to be the closest strain to ancestor fish. USFWS believes there are roughly 300,000 tagged fish in Pyramid currently. Minus captured and dead loss. The Pilot Peak fish come from the Lahontan National Fish Hatchery in Gardenerville, Nevada. (

~ 2011 ~

Pyramid Lake, Nevada

USFWS # 028587

Captured at 6 Mile Bay

Released at Howards Bay

This fish had been in the lake for 20 Months and grew 11.6"

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Pyramid 2012 - 2013

 October 1, 2012

Opening day at Pyramid was warm and calm. Dark patterns in the morning hours moving to lighter patterns in the afternoon.
Opening Day at Pyramid Lake. Sunrise 30.

22-Inch Lahontan Cutthroat Trout

Bad picture of the release. Great water color!

 October 12, 2012

 The mornings are getting colder now, not freezing but noticeably cooler. Saw this neat cloud formation on the way out to Pyramid. The big benefit to living 20 minutes from the lake.

 Pyramid is always best with storm fronts moving in. It had rained thru the night which should make fishing a 10 for the day.

 My personnel favorite place on Pyramid.

First fish for the day.

 This was the big fish 6lbs. He was a real fighter.

 Second tagged fish I have caught out of Pyramid. You can see the green tag just behind the dorsal fin.


A new friend I meet for the day. Good fishing Rall!
Everybody caught many fish for the day. It was a real treat to watch other guys reel in some nice fish.
The elusive 10 lb never showed itself but I feel he is close!

Robinson Lake 2011

The beginning of the 5 mile hike to Robinson Lake.

Greeted with a rustic trail sign.

At the end of 5 miles lies Robinson Lake.

Elevation 9100 ft.

Home to some great looking and tasting Brooke Trout!