
Fly Rod Vehicle Mounted Box

My next mission is to build a Fly Rod Vehicle Mounted Box. The only example I have found is at Cabelas for $450.00! I have a pretty good idea of the materials I will use. It will be made of rigid plastic and still be durable. Pics to come.

 Here is another example of a rod holder that I saw on a local rig. I do like the amuminum but I dont have a tig welder. So the goal is to find material that doesn't have to be welded.

Here is my finished product. It cost me less than $40.00. It is relativly simple to build. The most difficult part was mounting to the truck. I want the lowest profile possible with out damaging the paint on the top of the vehicle.

Now that I have built the idea that has been rolling around in my head for awhile, I hope to find someone else that wants one so that I can try a couple of different method and ideas. I painted the carrier grey to match my truck. It could be painted any color to match anyones vehicle.

Trailer Rack

I wanted to add a rack to the rear of my travel trailer to carry my generator, bicycles and other do dads. It is hard to find a "kit" that would bolt or weld on. Since I am such a creative person I came up with my own.
The purpose was to gain truck bed room so the dogs had a little more leg room.

Here is what I started with.
First step was to remove the "poo" pipe
that holds the sewage dump hose.

3"x3"x1/4" Aluminum Angle Iron for the supports
coming off of the frame of the trailer.

2"x2"x2/16" Aluminum Angle Iron Frame
for the rack portion.

This is a rough mock up of the frame as it
would sit approx to the finish point.

Here are the supports and frame work all put
together. It is not finished but you should be
getting the idea.

Here the rack is about 90% complete. The "poo" pipe is
remounted to the bottom of the supports (3x3x1/4" angle iron)
I will add my bicycle rack, remount the spare tire and setup
 the spot for the generator to drop in and strap down for the
trips down the road.

 Once I have completed the rack I will pre trip the trailer down some rough roads to make sure that it won't end up in your windshield some day. The rack was completly bolted on using Grade 8 bolts. I dont have a welder so I try and build most projects using heavy duty bolts.

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