I've been doing lots of fishing. Haven't kept track of all the outings, but that's the goal for next year. I recently went thru a four outing dry spell, very frustrating to say the least. It was more of an attempt to find some big Carp in the Truckee River. Many were seen and lessons were learned. Although I had seen some of the biggest Carp yet, well into the 20lb range!
Take half a day off work yesterday and headed out for some more R&D (Research & Development). I have been searching for some new water.
This is the area that I have been fishing. I have been primarily working the Northern right pond. It is fed from two separate streams Steamboat Creek and the other I cannot remember. Most of the water is unaccessible due to the golf course, which is going to be closed for a new road system at some point. Until then sometimes you have to be a little stealthy! On this outing I headed to the Southern end of the of the golf course were the water flows before it ever gets onto the golf course property. It seems prosperous!

This seemed like a good sign to me! A few tracks from other people but you could hear the Carp splashing around! I even surprised these two bucks hiding in the willows.
(Picture of Deer HERE)
I made my way around the protective fence to keep people out and headed down the walking path. I have gained alot of knowledge from Carp, soley by how fast I walk. Go to fast and they just blast out of there, to slow and they continue with what they are doing. I made my slow stroll down the path, watching, looking and marking where Carp could be seen clooping, tailing, mudding and cruising. Making it to the bend in the path I started fishing where the water opened up to shallow. I could see and hear Carp sucking the top water farther out than I could cast, so I narrowed my targets to any fish directly in front of me. First one was a dud! Instead I took his scale, darn false hook!
The next hook up was SOLID! This one was not a flase hook. With no where to go this was a quick battle. He wieghed in at 4 lbs.
Next Carp came in at 6lbs, this one was landed in a okward spot in some tules. I was attempting to take a picture with my iPhone, I decieded not to after I dropped the phone in the water. It landed one foot under water on a rock, DAMN the luck! Thank goodness the phone was ok. That was the 3rd time it has been under water in a standard Otterbox case, time for an upgrade! Otterbox Armour!
After landing the last Carp, I headed to my everyday spot. I have been working the opposite side of the pond, there seems to be less pressure there and I have seen more tailing and mudding Carp there.
I parked at my normal spot and headed across the bridge to get in position. While crossing the bridge I always look to see whats lingering. There were two nice carp working the fast moving water. I flicked the Hyrbid Carp Worm out, to the Carp on the right. BOOM, he's on! Or that's what I thought. It was a real fighter, I scrambled off the bridge and into the tall White Top (a type of brush in this area). I moved down the steep bank to the waters edge and hand stripped the fish in. To my surprise it was not a Carp, instead it was a nice Channel Catfish. I figured the Catfish was right under the Carp and beat him to the punch!

I moved down the bank seeing many Carp. No takers, so I continued down to a section that I have never been in. There were Carp everywhere! Jumping all over each other, darting here and there! I see the dark shadow of one moving by, toss the Hybrid out. I see him dart to his left and BOOM take off! This one was swimming for the other shore, striping line off like it was hooked to a truck! I finally got the brakes on and returned him back to where he started, he blasted off again this time through some weed beds. Now I am tangled up in the weeds. After untangling and hauling the Carp to the net he was finally mine! Last Carp of the day 9 solid pounds. Couldn't have been better!