Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Lost One, False Hooked One, Landed One

Took an early out from work today. With the usual wind blowing I figured it would be more of a nature walk than a Carpin trip. Didn't go very fare before I noticed a lot o splashing in the water. The best I could figure was the Carp were spawning??

Hybrid loaded, I fired away. Worked a couple of mudders but nothing took. Moved downstream and finally WHAM! It was a fighter but none the less I was here for a fight. He needed up under some debrie in the water and broke the line! (One Lost)

Onward! I tied on another Hybrid and it wasn't 10 min later I saw the fly line twitch, I gave the jerk. I saw the tail come out of the water first and take off like a jet. It ran in every direction striping line out, I reeled in, he stripped it back out. Then we moved up downstream with the current. Thinking I was going to win this endless battle I moved into place with the net ready. The fly poped loose headed straight for my head, after a quick trip into the bushes and back out I found the fly tangled in the bushes. (One False Hooked)

Back to the bank I was on I had cruising fish up and down the stream. Finally a few stopped and began mudding. He fly hit the sand bank and slid into the water right past the nose of the Carp. He bolted for the Hybrid, as soon as he turned I jerked the rod setting the hook right into his upper lip. He was a real fighter, not willing to see the sands of the shore. Twenty minutes later he was beached with nowhere to go. Slapped some photos rested the Carp and slid him back into the murky water. (One Landed)

1 comment:

  1. Jeremy,

    You ahve a wonderful site! Love that stream with carp, we only have large water and ponds about here. Nice ties, great observations, all good. Hope to follow this more.

